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Artwork from Chad's Community

Chad is housed in a unit with other individuals that, through him, have been prompted to create art. Chad spreads his inspiration and pays out of his pocket for art materials to be circulated so that those around him can revel in their own art creation. He trades his own pieces for theirs, and fondly calls this his art collection. 

If you are a loved one of any of the listed individuals or have been sent to the site by your loved one, please reach out for the piece(s) to be mailed to you. 

*Images increase to full size when clicked on.

Note: Chad has paid out of his pocket $800 for a pack of crayons to be distributed to the ~8 individuals in his unit and $200 for each person to receive 2 pieces of paper. If you would like to contribute to the art endeavors of Unit 8, please reach out to

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